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Impact of Dyslexia
in New Orleans

Studying at Home





Thank you for your interest in our sponsorship program. Did you know that if a child can't read past the 6th grade level, the chances of him or her finishing high school drops dramatically? Twenty-four percent of American youth drop out of high school, and one of the leading causes is that many struggle with reading. Sadly, many of these teens turn to crime, and it is estimated that 80 percent of prison inmates are reported to be functionally illiterate and the prevalence of dyslexia is shockingly high.*

Research from the National Institutes of Health as well as Yale University shows that around 1 in 5 children struggle with reading despite having average to superior intelligence. That means that in every classroom in the United States, there are between 2 and 4 children who need help with reading, writing and/or spelling.* And while some students may show signs of dyslexia, they may not qualify for special education services at their public school. In New Orleans, around 40 percent of children under 18 years old live in poverty, and the rate of violent crime by juvenile offenders is shockingly high. According to statistics compiled by the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court, the number of violent crimes that passed through the city’s juvenile court in 2018 was 339—a “nearly tenfold” increase from the 37 recorded violent crimes in 2015.* Many of these children have suffered from academic failures, lack of academic and emotional support and in result, end up in tragic situations. Parents living in poverty with their children simply cannot afford outside academic support and they feel helpless watching their children struggle due to a learning difference that is hard to understand. These children often end up with weak academic skills, low self esteem and eventually drop out of school. 

In order to attempt to have an impact on some of these children, we at NOLA LEARNING SUPPORT AND CONSULTING, are looking for financial sponsors for dyslexic children who need financial assistance with the support we offer.  We use a variety of assessments, research and evidence based programs, and strategies specifically tailored to each student. We build a child's skills and confidence to overcome their challenges and we have data to show our remediation is effective. Equally as important, we try to provide a learning environment that is culturally responsive and we encourage students to feel a sense of belonging. We are determined to create a safe space where children feel respected, heard, and understood. We also try to help families understand their child's learning differences. Your investment will be helping to provide better outcomes for children and we hope that by finding sponsors to assist with even one child, we can change the path of their future. 


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