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We have reached our financial goal to provide free dyslexia intervention services for two financially eligible students between grades 1-5 in our city this year, thanks to the generous support of the Goldring Family Foundation. We will keep our sponsored students' names confidential, although our sponsors will receive annual progress reports to learn about the life changing contribution they are making towards building a student's confidence and skills in school.
What We Promise to Provide:
*​Intake assessments
*Remediation Plan
*2-3 sessions per week of intervention
*Mid year assessments for progress monitoring and remediation planning
*Monthly parent meetings about student progress
*End of year assessments
*Materials and programs included
*We will cover the cost of one consultation for Special Education Legal Services with Chris Edmunds if needed:
*A positive welcoming place to learn with a mission to be kind to each student and build their skills and confidence.
*A comfortable parent or guardian waiting room
Financial Committee:
Kate and Todd Novak
Dr. Logan S. Emory
John Brooks
Page Evans
Special Education Consultants:
Chris Edmunds, Disability Rights Attorney
Marion Marshall M.S., B.C.E.T., F.A.E.T.
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