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    As parents of two grown children who have learning differences, we know there is a need for support for students and parents in New Orleans. Even as educators, we often felt overwhelmed seeing our own two children struggle. It was difficult to know who to turn to for help, and at times it was emotionally and financially trying. With the help of the right professionals, we learned to advocate for our children to get them the support, understanding and the accommodations they deserved. Without the right guidance, students with learning differences can be left with low self-esteem and inadequate preparation for years to come. 


    With Kate's experience in early childhood education and Educational Therapy and Todd's experience with middle school, high school and college students, students will be welcomed into a learning center where, as a team, we both will offer support to those needing reading, spelling, writing, and executive function interventions. We use a variety of assessments, research and evidence based programs, and strategies specifically tailored to each student. By partnering with parents and teachers, we provide measurable academic success which leads to gains in students' self-confidence and pride. In the past, we have offered private 1-1 sessions at our Uptown offices as well as on a variety of school campuses and students' homes. Beginning in March of 2020, we also started offering our services via Zoom. Together, we provide practical, effective support drawn from years of experience. Whether your child is in the first grade or the twelfth grade, we can assist in helping him or her meet success and build self-advocacy skills to live happier lives. 

Kate Novak, ET/P        Certified Professional Educational Therapist
Reading and Writing Intervention 
Assessment for Remediation and Progress Monitoring

Curriculum Consultant


   As an Educational Therapist, I had a private practice for over a decade in the San Francisco Bay Area. Since moving back to New Orleans in 2017, I have provided learning support for students in New Orleans and opened our offices on Oak Street. I believe in partnering with children, teens, and young adults so they feel relaxed and understood, helping to unlock whatever struggles may be holding them back. I educate students about their strengths and give them strategies for their challenges and, while I am first and foremost an advocate for my students and their families, I approach teachers with respect and warmth.


Todd Novak, MA       Learning Specialist
Academic Support and Intervention
School Placement Consulting with an interest in Prep Schools
Curriculum Consultant


   Juggling a full course load while being involved in a variety of activities both in and out of school often leads to students, and consequentially parents, feeling overwhelmed, and it can be difficult to prioritize tasks and complete them with the degree of detail and depth necessary for success. My eighteen years of experience as a secondary English teacher as well as a dean of students have formed a solid foundation for helping young adults with their executive function skills and time management. As a former teacher at the Advanced Placement and honors levels as well as general levels, I am qualified to work with students of all abilities to provide positive guidance and support, resulting in students who are much happier, academically engaged, and able to advocate for themselves. 



My Approach
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